Latest Past Events

Final Ceremony

KEDEA AUTH September 3rd Avenue. AUTH Campus, Thessaloniki

Join us for the IFS Awards 2024 final event, where winning teams will be announced and receive their prizes!  

Final Pitching Day

KEDEA AUTH September 3rd Avenue. AUTH Campus, Thessaloniki

The finalist teams will present their solutions and their progress and they will be avaluates in order to compete for our Prizes!

IFS Awards Bootcamp – Pitching Day

Alexander Innovation Zone Philikis Eterias 12 & I. Tsimiski, Thessaloniki

The O.S.L.O of the Region of Central Macedonia organizes the IFS Awards Competition's Pitching Day, taking place in the Alexander Innovation Zone (Thessaloniki) with physical presence. The qualified Solution Providers will have the opportunity to present their solutions, providing additional details regarding their submitted plan.